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Thread: what is wrong with me??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Dakota
    Blog Entries

    what is wrong with me??

    i am one messed up person and i cant figure out what is wrong or how to fix it?
    i have been into woodworking for a few years now and i have gotten by in my
    little shop (11x22) by using a 220v heater in the winter and a few strong fans in
    the summer and about a month ago a friend of mine helped me install my trough wall
    a/c unit i have had for a year.

    and now that i have it i haven't had much interest in going out to the shop to work
    the past several weeks. im in south dakota and it has been hotter then hell here for
    a month now and i finally have a great way to cool down my shop but i haven't had
    the urge to go out and work, so what is wrong with me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Kevin....I don't find that unusual. I take it in spurts too.

    Something inspirational will come along and you'll go out there.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Southern Md
    LOL Kevin,

    Let the power company have control of your Tstat during the hottest weekend of the year. You'll go out there!!! Don't ask me how I know this.

  4. #4
    heat saps my energy and inspiration, even though I have an air conditioned shop, I still have a hard time getting motivated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Kansas City
    Nothing is the matter. Just find a project that really inspires you.

  6. #6
    Ha, this is a human condition that we all suffer from. I put more miles on my crappiest motorcycles in my youth than I have on my latest and greatest bikes that eat miles up in comfort. I've caught more fish on cobbled together tackle than I have on my current graphite this and anodized ruby encrusted billet aluminum that gear. You couldn't keep me out of my woodworking shop when it was in my Dad's dark and dank garage and I had five humble machines that cost about 10 percent of the ones that have long since replaced them. Back then woodworking was a revelation if not magical. I was bowled over by every new skill I acquired and what could be done with it. Now woodworking is largely a known process and when I stare down a project I see the work involved and I see a "job". If I air conditioned my shop I wouldn't have to worry about dust collection as it would likely be the last refinement before I merely visited once in a while to turn the lights on and revel in what I've amassed over the years.

    No worries, you'll get back in the groove. As others have said, the inspiration will come and you'll be at it hammer and tong, albeit in comfy air conditioned comfort!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northern Colorado
    Amen to all the rest of 'em.

    It's cyclical. It comes and goes.

    Some months, I'm a _fiend_ in my shop -- many hours as I can. Some months, I've forgotten it's there.

    I'm "thinking woodworking" during the down times

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Chandler, Arizona
    Hmmm I just spent two years selling off tools that took thirty years to collect. Now I just read about woodworking. My shop is now storage and a place to watch tv when my MIL stays with us.

    Craig McCormick

  9. #9
    after reading all of your symptoms i diagnose a visit to your local tool shop and the purchase of a couple of new tools,this visit you must be on your own or at least without the better half ,it works every time .now pull yourself together and get off to the tool shop

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Philadelphia, PA
    +1 on buying a new tool, however, I know where you are coming from.

    My other passion in life is mountain biking. This past winter (NE) I wanted to ride so bad I'd go out after work in single degree temps, onto pitch black trails deep in the woods with 2 helmet lamps and spiked tires to bite into the ice. When spring came around and the days got longer, all i wanted to do was work in the shop. Go figure.


  11. #11
    Absolutely nothing wrong. It's a hobby, do it when you want.

    I have hobbies that I have not done in years, and others that I do all the time, but they could switch at any time.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Trussville, AL
    Sounds like you are getting along too well with your wife or girlfriend. Pick a fight and you'll be back in the shop in no time. Don't table saw angry!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Marietta GA
    I recommend what I call a piddle-ing project. Some small project that you can do in a session/day. Like a pepper mill, or a picture frame, or a small dovetailed box with sliding lid. I also recommend switching to a lathe project vs a flat stock project if you've been working a lot in flat.

    Another one is to make a wood plane. Then put it under your pillow and sleep on it....the shop will look a lot more comfortable after that !! Hoot!

    Enjoy the shavings.

  14. #14
    When I was airplane building, the one rule I tried to follow is to go into the shop EVERYDAY, and do SOMETHING. Doesn't matter what. Spend a minimum of 5 minutes every day. Just 5 minutes. Sweep. Put a couple of tools away. Throw out some old junk. Empty the dust collector bin. It doesn't matter what you do, but do something every single day....just 5 minutes.

    This accomplishes several things:

    1) it keeps you engaged in the won't loose your place, and you won't start forgetting where you left off or where things are. THAT's demotivating, believe me
    2) it gets your shop clean. When the urge strikes you, you will walk out to a beautifully clean shop....that can be inspiring
    3) it develops a habit of keeping the shop in your life even on those days that you just don't feel like it. It's like exercise. I love riding my bike...I could ride all day long. Somedays, I just loathe to get started, and that's when it's most important that I do.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Columbus, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Beadle View Post
    I recommend what I call a piddle-ing project. Some small project that you can do in a session/day. Like a pepper mill, or a picture frame, or a small dovetailed box with sliding lid. I also recommend switching to a lathe project vs a flat stock project if you've been working a lot in flat.
    Was thinking along the same lines, only to add more motivation, promise to make something for someone else, maybe as a gift, etc. Fear of missing a committment usually gets me out of the recliner..

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