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Thread: Pet Memorial Marker

  1. #1

    Pet Memorial Marker

    I have gotten a request for a memorial to put on the grave of a dog. Has anyone done anything like this? What medium could I use, or sources. THe only thing I have found searching the web is already engraved or very expensive. Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Des Moines, WA
    Laserbits lists a marble rectangle that they say works well as a marker. They also carry urns in a couple of sizes.

    70 watt Epilog Legend 24
    Bought new in December 2002

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Hickman
    I have gotten a request for a memorial to put on the grave of a dog. Has anyone done anything like this? What medium could I use, or sources. THe only thing I have found searching the web is already engraved or very expensive. Any help would be appreciated.


    Black marble is the prefered method if you are going to engrave a photo of the dog. Granite is the second choice if there is no photo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    North English, Iowa
    I've heard granite is better for outdoor use because it's harder and less likely to scratch than the marble, although black marble is nicer with a photo. I like to use Super Black Granite from Lasersketch when I need to do a photo piece that may be outdoors. It's darker than the usual granite so it looks almost as black as the black marble and from what I've done my customers are always pleased with the photo quality.


  5. #5
    If this marker is going to be outside, you'll need to go with granite. It can withstand the elements. Marble easily scratches and can break when too cold.

    Try both types of granite. I have personally found the cheaper, slightly lighter granite to engrave finer details then the blacker granite. (i.e. hair & eyes show up in better detail)

    I've tried both 1200 dpi and 600 dpi and the difference is so miniscule on granite that it's not worth the time to do 1200, whereas marble is a huge difference.

    I have had a lot of success working with granite.

  6. #6

    Pet Memorial

    I am looking for a source of the black granite in a 2" or 3" thick by approx. 6"x 12" size. I have searched the web to no avail.


  7. re black granite

    Black granite is the best for outside use to get a piece 2 -3" thick try a granite wholesaler or a local monumental works .
    They may sell you a small piece from an offcut IF they feel like it.

    Alternatively if the marker is going into the ground get a piece of sandstone or coloured concrete as a backing piece and stick your granite tile to it.
    Sometimes if you can get a nice backing piece of whatever material, you can get some very nice looking results.

  8. #8
    Hi Tim, I second the granite for an outside material. I sell some on both of my websites and they work good. I sell both 6" x12" and 12"x12" and just use the 1/2" tile. They can be mounted in a bag of quickcrete cement as was mentioned. One or Two inch granite would be nice, but for me keeping it lighter is better when "shipping rock" . I also put on a sealer called Bulletproof Stone Sealer from Stone Tech Professional but not sure that this is necessary. Lynn

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Fort Worth, TX
    I checked out your website Lynn and the wood plaque "Brandy" really caught my eye. I have only had my engraver for 2 weeks now and have not come even close to those kind of results. Did you use photograv or do you have some other trick up your sleeve. Please share .

  10. #10
    Hi Rick, Yes the photo of Brandy on wood was done with PhotoGraV. It was also a very good photo with good detail which helps a lot. I do use photoGrav for all my photo now tho. thanks Lynn

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