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Thread: I need an easy way to install wood trim on a inlet panel

  1. #1

    I need an easy way to install wood trim on a inlet panel


    I have a job where I need to cut out a number of access panels out of veneer covered 3/4" ply. The cutouts need to be used for the panels.

    When installed the panels need a 1/4" wood trim around the panel and around the cut out.

    As pictured below:


    These hatches are in large panels which can not be brought to a table saw. I suppose I could cut out with a jig saw but I would like a cleaner technique for getting a square edge and fixed width of cutout around the panel for the wood trim.

    Any ideals?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    Router with a template guide. You make a template that is somewhat smaller than the hole you want to cut. The router base rides on the template, and the template guide offsets the bit from the template a bit. The exact sizes and offsets depend on what guide and bit you choose. There are many ways to secure the template to the panel, but I'd use screws. They'd be near the edge of the template, so the screw holes in the panel get cut off when you add the trim. Another way to secure the template is double-sided carpet tape.

    Another approach would be a guided circular saw (like the Festool). You can plunge it into the panel, and cut a straight line. You can even put stops on the Festool's guide to set the start and stop positions. The circular saw can't cut all the way to the corner, so you need to finish with a handsaw. You'd have to lay out each cut individually, so the router method above would likely be faster.

  3. Like Jamie said, a guided router might be your best bet.

    Or you could use a template-guided circular saw for most of each cut, and a hand saw to finish in each corner.

  4. #4
    OK- thanks.
    I take it the panel is secured as well so it does not come loose at the end of cut and bounce off the bit?
    This would be a fine time for a large CNC router table with a vac system for hold down.

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