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Thread: Success at a Dovetail class

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bucks County, Pennsylvania
    I took the same class and enjoyed it as Trevor did. Taking the class allowed me to try out all the major types of saws currently available as well as follow the technique of someone who produces beautiful joints - in one weekend.

    The small upper benches are a relatively new addition -- previously the metal vises on each bench was used for the class. So this gives you the ability to try one out and see if you find that it is something worth making or purchasing.

    When I took the dovetail class last year they had a "Jointers Bench" from a previous class that I tried out and then signed up to make.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Philadelphia, PA
    No it's just water, Alan asked the same question. I don't think I'd have had any success with the class were it filled with booze.

    Charles, I took a look at your site, and your Doors and Drawers class looks interesting. I may look in to taking that. Thanks for looking in.

    Tom, their joiners bench does look awesome. Someday...
    Trevor Walsh

  3. #18
    Gorgeous job! I envy the opportunity to take a class from Mario Rodriguez. I've enjoyed reading his hand-tool articles for years. It's definitely worthwhile spending some time with a world-class woodworker.

    Although I can't be too envious, I got to spend my weekend taking a ball and claw carving class from Al Breed. I posted a class report on my blog.
    Steve, mostly hand tools. Click on my name above and click on "Visit Homepage" to see my woodworking blog.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Philadelphia, PA
    Steve, that's cool, I was reading the Village Carpenter post about that class. It looked really fun, not my style, but fun. I liked all the jigs and fixtures.
    Trevor Walsh

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Awesome dovetails! Thanks for the report on the class. I've taken a couple of classes with Mario Rodriguez- is he a fantastic teacher or what? Heck of a nice guy too. He's written some great articles on traditional woodworking and design for several magazines- very informative.

    Good luck dovetailing! Good to see you on SMC, by the way


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Philadelphia, PA
    Thanks Josh, I'm liking the forum, and Mario is an awesome teacher, I'm going to have to find his old articles and go through them. Are there any that stick out that I should look for?
    Trevor Walsh

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    He's done a lot of articles for FWW and several for PWW. I like all of his design articles, especially the several articles he's written on mantle design. He has a good eye for molding profiles and proportions. He's a big proponent of molding planes, I took a planemaking class with him in fact, and he's written several articles on tuning and using molders. My favorite article of his is the tilt-top table he did in the nov/dec 2004 FWW issue. I made that table for my wife for Christmas- it's one of my favorite projects.

    His book on Traditional Woodworking is also very good- it's demonstrates a good blend of power and hand tool use.


  8. #23

    I was in the same class

    I was in the same class and also had a great experience. This was my first formal woodworking class and I did not know what to expect. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to fine myself having a great time in a relaxed atmosphere with two excellent instructors. Both Mario and Alan are great teachers and more than willing to share their combined knowledge of woodworking. I find myself now looking to see what other classes I can take with them. It is nice to have someone there to explain what you did wrong instead of just trial and error.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Philadelphia, PA
    Exactly, any classes jumping out at you? I'd like to take the windsor, drawermaking and maybe a masterclass in a bit.
    Trevor Walsh

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Cape Coral, Florida
    Blog Entries
    I took a 2 day class with Mario in Conneticut last spring. It was excellent. He hasa very unique way of teaching. His dovetails are incredible. Super nice, friendly guy as well.

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