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Thread: Jessem's new dowel jig WOW!!!!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Northern California
    I have a question about product review "full disclosure". As a reader of a review on a user-based forum like this one, I had assumed you went out and bought it and were happy with your purchase. However, it appears Jessem supplied this unit to you. I therefore would take it with a grain of salt, just like I do reviews in Wood and Popular Woodworking. You aren't going to be too critical of a product when they gave you a free unit to test.

    While there is value in reading your opinion, I think you should have explained they gave you a free unit in your original message. As it is, I feel like you are misrepresenting yourself as an actual purchaser and consumer of these tools.



  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Buffalo, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Jensen View Post
    I have a question about product review "full disclosure". As a reader of a review on a user-based forum like this one, I had assumed you went out and bought it and were happy with your purchase. However, it appears Jessem supplied this unit to you. I therefore would take it with a grain of salt, just like I do reviews in Wood and Popular Woodworking. You aren't going to be too critical of a product when they gave you a free unit to test.

    While there is value in reading your opinion, I think you should have explained they gave you a free unit in your original message. As it is, I feel like you are misrepresenting yourself as an actual purchaser and consumer of these tools.


    I believe that if he doesn't buy the jig, he will have to send it back when he is done testing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Huber View Post
    At this point I am a tester and it looks like I will sell the DowelMax and buy the Jessem before long.
    It’s only work if somebody makes you do it.
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  3. #18
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    Fort Worth, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Jensen View Post
    I have a question about product review "full disclosure". As a reader of a review on a user-based forum like this one, I had assumed you went out and bought it and were happy with your purchase. However, it appears Jessem supplied this unit to you. I therefore would take it with a grain of salt, just like I do reviews in Wood and Popular Woodworking. You aren't going to be too critical of a product when they gave you a free unit to test.

    While there is value in reading your opinion, I think you should have explained they gave you a free unit in your original message. As it is, I feel like you are misrepresenting yourself as an actual purchaser and consumer of these tools.


    So you are calling me a lair and just because I did not go out a buy the unit I will not be telling the truth about it, that may be the way you do things but not me.

    I guess I am different, if something is not right I say so.

    So from what you are telling me is any review you do is a good one and you would not say anything bad about the product. To me that is wrong, if you do a review of anything it should be true and not just words to make the product look good.

    I guess then any review I read of yours I can just take it with a grain of salt, I guess then I just wouldn't take the time to read them if that is the way you do things, why should I, it will always be a good review.

    When I was contacted by Jessem about testing the new jig the one thing that I told them right up front was if I don't like it I will say so and tell the world what I don't like and send it back. I also told them if I liked it I would buy it.

    It looks like I already have the DowelMax sold and I will be buying the Jessem.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    I didn't call you a liar. I don't think it is unreasonable for people doing product reviews on this site to say they were asked by the manufacturer to do it and were supplied with the equipment for testing purposes. Perhaps that is common knowledge among the more frequent visitors of this site - it wasn't obvious to me.

    I apologize if you interpret this as calling you a liar.

  5. #20
    Thanks for a great report on the Jessem doweling jig. I would love to have a Festool Domino but it is not in my budget. I think the doweling jig from Jessem will fit the bill nicely.
    Good Luck:
    Don Selke

    Julius A. Dooman & Son Woodworking
    My Mentor, My teacher. "Gone but not forgotton"

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Jensen View Post
    I don't think it is unreasonable for people doing product reviews on this site to say they were asked by the manufacturer to do it and were supplied with the equipment for testing purposes.
    With due respect, we're not a newspaper; we're a forum. Posts go up largely unedited. A poster's credibility and biases are learned by reading his posts over a long period of time.

    Anyway, anyone who's followed Bill knows what a power DM fan he's been. So for HIM to tout an alternative really makes me sit up and take notice.
    Last edited by Prashun Patel; 05-18-2010 at 2:54 PM.

  7. #22

    Well said, I could not put it any better then that.
    Good Luck:
    Don Selke

    Julius A. Dooman & Son Woodworking
    My Mentor, My teacher. "Gone but not forgotton"

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Jensen View Post
    You aren't going to be too critical of a product when they gave you a free unit to test.

    Why not?

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by johnny means View Post
    Why not?
    I agree 100%, if you are not going to be critical of a product then you should not review it. That is if there is something wrong or bad about the product.

    So do all the woodworking magazines buy all the tools they review?

  10. #25
    I think we should change the name of this forum to youcantwin dot com.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Hey folks...........let's tone it down a little.

    I have met and had lunch with the crotchety old guy that did the review here. I can tell you that even if JessEm GAVE Bill the tool, if he didn't like it or found a deficiency, he would tell it like it is. One Saturday 2 years ago, Bill, I and some other Creekers had lunch in Arlington and then invaded a local Rockler store. I bought a tenoning jig for my tablesaw and had it shipped home. I'm not saying it got a little wild at the Rocklers but as we left, one of the salespersons asked us to notify them the next time we were coming and they would have coffee and donuts for us.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    First let me say having read quite a few of Bill's posts if he says its great or crap thats good enough for me, at least as far as another man's opinion of a tool goes with me. However, I do think Roger makes a valid point.

    Let me go back to Bill for a second, Bill didn't mention the "relationship" with Jessem in his first post however he was forthcoming in a later post with the information and it is clear to me that he just didn't think it was relevent since HE knows he was being honest and fair. I do however think it is good form to disclose this with any review of a product. I watch/read plenty of reviews on the internet and despite no disclosure from the reviewer it often becomes clear they did not purchase the item in the normal stream of commerce, those reviews get about a salt domes worth of salt added by me. The ones that are clear about their affiliation get much less salt.

    In the end if I was looking at a dowel jig based significantly on what Bill said I would buy a Jessem. I do not think Roger had any intent to call Bill a liar or anything of the sort. Finally, I do think anyone doing a review does their self and the community here a good turn by fully disclosing any relationship with a company from a discount others wouldn't get up to being paid for the review.

  13. #28

    Phil, I vote we change the name too.... ;-)

    too funny...too true... very sad

    the internet has spoiled everyone... the fact we have easy access to what our ww friends are doing and trying is not good enough.... now everyone needs credentials, full disclosures, corrobarating witnesses, etc. Nothing is perfect in the review world... even when there is full disclosure...its up to the reader to decide....

    I know this might sound wierd, but....

    Bill, thanks for taking your time to share your thoughts on this new product....

  14. #29

    The Jessem site indicates 1/4" and 3/8". It says it comes with 3/8 guides and drill bit.

    What about the 1/4" ? I didn't see other guides, etc available - how much ?

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Fort Worth, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie McGuire View Post

    The Jessem site indicates 1/4" and 3/8". It says it comes with 3/8 guides and drill bit.

    What about the 1/4" ? I didn't see other guides, etc available - how much ?
    They do sell them as an add on.

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