I am very very new to all of this laser stuff, I had one or two things in mind when I bought my laser and we have been doing very well with our plan. Lately I have had people from church, friends, our customer base asking for other things, you know the typical "Can you do this?" I never thought I would be asked to do or be making nameplates or anything like that but guess what, someone asked and to me that is like a personal challenge. I posted here a few days ago that I was needing information about materials for signage and really an overview so I could take a look to see if it would be worth it... I had some great responses in the thread and a few emails and PM's from members here...

One of the suggestions was a local company to me called Bur lane, I called them and set up an appointment and stopped by there today, great folks... They welcomed me in and we set up an account. They walked me through the building and introduced me to employees and gave me the grand tour... I think sometimes we take things for granted but in this case I quickly realized that I may have it pretty good having this company so close to me and having the materials I will need just 20 minutes up the street. I never want to be "That Guy" here on this forum or with any company, because I have no background with these materials or the process I often times sound like Im playing 20 questions, they were patient with me so I thank the for that... In the end you all and the companies in this industry have been very open and cooperative with me,

Thank you all for the guidance...

Thanks to you all for responding to me and getting me the hook up...
