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Thread: Anybody know where I can get good plans for ...

  1. #1

    Anybody know where I can get good plans for ...

    1. Work Bench - I'm a DIYer who is just starting to get into building things. I want to build a bench straight away. I have a couple plans that are predominantly 2x material and either 2x6 topped or 7/16" OSB topped. I was wondering if anybody had any experience w/ a solid yet easy to build bench plan? I was leaning towards something like this b/c it looks solid and within my capability -

    2. Shed - anybody know a good place to get plans for one? I want to build a 10x12 ish shed. A-frame type design (if that's the right wording - I don't want a barn looking shed). I'd like a single door and window on the longer side and a rollup garage door big enough to fit my Deere in on the narrow side. I will be building this w/ a friend of mine who built his house by himeself - so I will certainly have help. I just ordered the Taunton's Build like a Pro shed book too.

    I'm looking at both of these projects as good learning experiences with a good end result from the work.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. I am not sure about a shed, but that bench looks pretty neat, and some of the suggestions in the comments are really helpful as well. I think I might just build me one of those as well!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    I have built 2 solid-core door workbenches (weekend workbench) using the plans from PlansNow. You can also use MDF topped off with hardboard instead of a door.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Silicon Valley, CA
    Benches are a popular topic, and the "ideal" bench will depend on how you work. Your goal of finding something simple and solid is a good one. Here's some more free bench designs from magazine sites:

    Popular Woodworking:

    Fine Woodworking:

    (as a sidenote, Fine Woodworking offers 14 days of free membership to their online site, so you can poke around to see what else they have online)


  5. Thank you Matt, there are some great ideas there.

  6. #6
    Some of those are out for me b/c I don't have the tools required to pull them off. Planar, table saw, etc. But I love reading about this stuff so thank you all the same !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Matt - thanks for those. I don't need a(nother) bench, but a good friend does, and he is just getting started like Mike.

    Mike - either of those from Fine WW should be easy to do with just the basic tools: drill and circ saw (which you gotta have for the shed) and a router (which you gotta have gotta have a router). Add a few clamps and you're good to go. The video on "simple, sturdy" did a good job of explaning it.
    When I started woodworking, I didn't know squat. I have progressed in 30 years - now I do know squat.

  8. #8
    All you need is a circular saw and a hammer and a box of 16 penney nails.

    Good grief, just build the table top like a picnic table but push
    the 2x4s together and then add the legs and cross brace
    them to make then sturdy as heck. oh yea, those fancy
    vices you dont need. Just use cabinet clamps and let
    them serve dual duty. it is pretty easy to rig something
    under the table so the cabinet clamps are supported
    and wont fall to the floor.

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