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Thread: Graphic Help... plain pocket knife

  1. #1

    Graphic Help... plain pocket knife

    Hi everyone! I am doing some freebie work for the local boyscouts and need a plain pocket knife graphic.. .everything I find looks like a swiss army knife.. does anyone have anything?



  2. #2
    Don't know if this will work for you or not:

    Edit: 4th row down...
    Trotec Speedy 100 30W
    CorelDraw 2023
    EngraveLab 9
    MillRight CNC Power Route Plus
    Duct Tape

  3. #3

    You Rock!

    Thanks so much!!!! I think that will work and is exactly what I had in mind. I will play with it when I get home from my day job LOL

    Have a great day!

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