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Thread: Kalamazoo, MI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    SW Michigan, Paw Paw

    Kalamazoo, MI

    If any of you are or happen to be in the above area,, there is a must see. The Kalamazoo Institute of Art just opened its local artists show. Very good friend of mine thought he'd take a bit of his woodwoking in. The judge called it "a sculpture of a bulldozer" so thats what it became. Why post here? its entirely curl cherry with walnut trims. All the moving parts function and every detail is there, all at 1/16th scale. An accomplished cabinet maker would say it couldn't be done. Imagine if you will: grab irons out of 1/16 dowels that have 1/8" radius turns; each track requires over 300 seperate pieces of wood, 328 to be exact. A mere tousand man hours from rough stock to display.

    ya gotta see it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Leesville, TX (San Antonio/Austin)
    Hmmm. Surely he has a photo of it you could post for those of us fortunate enough to be Texans...


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