I just spent a horrible night in an IKEA store looking for some type of "temporary" cupboard/hutch for a bare wall in my kitchen. The kitchen will get gutted in the next 1-2 years, so I don't want to spend too much time or money on this. We're talking pure utility, folks.

Since I couldn't find what I want, I'm thinking I want to build something kind of rustic-looking, maybe even out of cheap #2 pine from the home center and bang it together with square cut nails (and a few rabbets/dadoes). Raised-panel doors? Forget it! I'm talking uber-simple here... something that looks like an old farmer built it for his kitchen. I need storage below for large dishes and serving platters and open shelving up above (like a hutch) for lots of cookbooks. I want to be able to bang this out in a single weekend if possible and maybe cover it with an opaque stain or milk paint to take the curse off of the knotty pine.

Any ideas? Pictures would be most helpful. Thanks.
