As the title implies, I have an older model (around 1993 I think) MiniMax S-45. I have to admit that when I first got it (bought it used) it seemed to work OK. Then I decided to get some new blades. I bought some Timberwolf blades on the recomendations of others I had spoken to. Then I started to have problems with blade drift and the inability to resaw a simple 12" long board maybe 6-8" wide from one end thru the other without a variance of at least 1/8".

OK, I convinced myself it was the fault of the blades (unfairly) and replaced my 3/4" 4 tpi Timberwolf blade with a (Highland Hardware) Woodslicer 3/4" 4 tpi blade. ----------- Same problem.

Have spent hours adjusting the fence for blade drift, spent complete afternoons working with blade tensioning according to the instructions from MiniMax USA and I have adjusted and re-adjusted the guides (roller bearing style). I have cleaned the tires and inspected them very closely and can find nothing wrong yet I know there is. The blade(s) track very well when I have changed them with little to no effort so I am assuming that the wheels are co-planer to each other.

Ideas? Help.
