There doesn’t seem to be a good forum for this so into the general ww it goes. A scouting trip to south Texas. We are about out of mesquite and I tried a contact south of where I am. I spent several hours looking and thought I would post pics of a couple things I saw. A gloat of sorts….I’m pretty sure I can get these but the real gloat will come when they’re safely home. The big tree is a chinkapin oak, which is a white oak. It’s about three feet in diameter and about twenty feet tall. It really should come down as the top is gone and will be rotting away although it is alive. I just have my fingers crossed that not too much is rotten inside. I didn’t count the burls but I would guess at about thirty and didn’t measure any of them but most seem to be about a foot across. The “golfball” is on a Texas red oak and is a little over three feet across. I stood in the shot for scale….and for contrast to make it look better. If we are able to get it out (not the best of locations) and if will fit on the mill and if it’s solid it should look good taking slices for small tabletops and using lumber from the top for the rest. The tree appears healthy so I have hopes the burl is solid. Never know till you open your Christmas presents. And yes, I’ve seen pictures of the spruce burls. But up to now the largest burl I’ve seen was about six inches across, so I was impressed. I have very little experience with burl wood so anything would be appreciated.
Oh, yeah, the mesquite. Spotted enough for a good load and the largest I measured was about three feet. All was pretty short trunked but should make good lumber if it doesn’t have too much shake. There’s a smallish one that has the bark growing in a spiral around the trunk which should make for interesting wood. Several chinaberry in the 20-22 inch range and also as much sycamore in the 2-3 foot range as we care to cart away…..a lot of quartersawing to be done. A good day.
Chinkapin Oak.jpg

Texas Red Oak.jpg