Well, I guess it's time to introduce myself down here, now that I've been pestering you with questions for some time. I've been around upstairs for a while, and through visits here from time to time, developed an interest in turning. I posted a few questions, and next thing I know this followed me home...

Haven't had much time to play with it yet, but I have been practicing a little basic spindle technique, and have a bowl class coming up this weekend.

I have a few tools (gouges) that I need to make handles for, and I'm wondering if there is a way of mounting them temporarily, rather than using epoxy or something similar? The reason being I have so little experience, that I don't know what I will end up liking as far as handle length, girth, weight, etc. So I would like to get the tools into use, but be able to make changes in the future if I don't care for whatever I have come up with. All I have now are the red handled Harbor Freight HSS set. I know I will want longer handles than those.

All I've come up with so far is drilling and tapping the handle for a course thread set screw, but I don't know if that would do the job, or whether it cause significant weakness in that are of the handle. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
