One way I phrase it is that if you are not mechanically inclined or somewhat good at tinkering with computers, then you shouldn't get a Chinese product.

All you have to do is read the posts by people who have bought them and they are mostly all based around the same thing. Setting up the machine and getting it to run the first time. The Chinese dealers do a horrible job at writing manuals that are even remotely close to being helpful.

I had never used a plotter, so I thought it would be a step by step in the manual, but that didn't really exist. You'll almost certainly have to struggle with getting the computer to communicate with the machine, and then you'll have some figuring out to do on how it's all supposed to work. Things like setting the blade (kind of important) and how it all works together, and using scrap pieces would all be helpful information.

But, that's the price you pay. I personally knew that issue up front, so it wasn't near as frustration to me as if I had bought it thinking it would be a plug and play operation.

I'm a newbie with all of this, but if you get it and have any issues, I'll be more than happy to help if I can. Just ask here or send me a PM (or call me if you need to).