Well, the weather was good to me today . . . it held off raining long enough for me to get the 29 boxes of pen tubes mailed. You should seen the look on that postal clerk's face!!! It was great! The tubes are officially on the way to those who ordered them!!

We tried to be careful about counting out the zillion tubes and caps but if we screwed up your order, let me know and I'll fix it.

I also got the invoice information to let everyone know what their order is gonna cost them. I even put together a rather spiffy website with all the information on it, It's at:


I hope this answers everyone's questions about the tubes.

I do have another 1164 tubes that are unspoken for . . . if anybody needs them, they are 9 cents each plus shipping. I REALLY don't need an extra 1164 shipping tubes . . . REALLY! Feel free to get some!

