I stumbled into a little bit of wood today too. We don't have any Amish folks around here but we do have a bunch of Mexican immigrants. For the last week I've been watching the progress of a Mexican family cutting down a big silver maple in their front yard. Yesterday they were stacking the wood out by the road like they were going to get rid of it. So this morning I stopped by to ask if they were trying to get rid of the wood and if I could have it. Well, they no habla english so they rounded up their young son, maybe 8 years old to be the interpreter. After we finally broke down the communication barrier I started hauling the wood. I took it all, two loads, some was just firewood for my son. But when I finished loading up they came out and wanted to pay me. That's right, pay me for taking the wood off their hands. I couldn't understand a word they were saying other than the guy was trying to shove a couple $20's at me. Anyway I finally convinced them I was getting the better end of the deal and told them to keep their money. I guess I'll try and make them a nice bowl or something.