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Thread: Since falling into the Creek/Gloats

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kanasas City, MO

    Since falling into the Creek/Gloats

    Since I found the creek, I've really enjoyed seeing much of the how to that comes along with the project pics and learned much from some of the shop tours. I've found an interest in the Neander methods of doing and also added a few "essential" items to the shop after reading up on advice & posts from The Creekers. Collectively you guys are a wealth of information and an inspiration to me to elevate my efforts and turn out higher quality results. I don't aim to be "the best" but continually strive to be better every chance I get and the Creek offers me many of those chances.
    All the Neander stuff is new as of December (and the collection has grown but the new additions aren't in the photos just yet).
    The JET DC is new and the best $ spent in a LOOOONG time, not sure why I put that off but reading thats a common "last thought" item. If you're thinking about buying a DC system and can afford it, DO IT!
    The KC WW'ING gave me the chance to bring home the INCRA TS fence, RT and joinery package and router lift.... show was too crowded to move around on Saturday, but I managed to get 90" rails and all out the door (only bumped about 200 people with the hand truck of goodies) and most installed by dinner time Sat night. Finished up the RT install etc on Sunday and got the TS on a Shop Fox base with extension for the legs on the TS fence (small shop so mobility is a must), now just need a DC box for the router table. Best of all I was able to de-commission the 'BORG version of a RT (BOSCH) and donated it to a neighbor. I hated that thing and did everything I could to avoid using it, hence leaving the all too useful router idle for long time periods.
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