First, I'll introduce myself. I guess the name is obvious on this forum, on a few other forums I go by dubdrvrkev (dub driver kevin- for another old habit of VW's). I am fairly novice still in the turning world but have been at it about 2 years. I've been a lurker around here off and on for quite some time and thought I'd jump in. I look forward to getting to know you and learning from you all.

On to my question. Currently I am turning a platter a little over 17" diameter, and am at the point to flip it around and do the front. I am wondering what you feel the shallowest recess would be safe to turn at? On plates I have used around 1/16" deep and been fine but that just seems a little wimpy for this size blank. I don't have a way to re-turn the base so I want to make it looks as good as possible since it has to live with the platter.
Thanks for any input.