First I would like to say Thanks for allowing me to join your comunity. My name Is Tim Wagner, and I live in Lakewood, West of Cleveland Oh. I am an automechaninc by trade. I love photography and woodworking (thanks to my dear grandfather may he RIP). Also I am into gardening, and bird watching, and I also like to feed the squirrels. on to my questions.

After deciding to build a workshop out of the basement, I decided I would buy the Table saw first. So far I have chosen the Crafstman 10" Pro w/extensions. you can veiw it here.

My other choice was the Rigid TS at Home Depot, but wasn't sure if I could add extensions, Also after some reading, I find that the Craftsman 3HP rating was at the lower end of what you want in a table saw. I can't really afford a cabinate saw at the currant 2100-2400 doller price tags I am seeing.

Do you think the sears model is a good choice? If there are any other models you think I should consider, please let me know.

Also does a left tilt arbor mean the blade itself tilts to the left? I am pretty sure thats what I want.

Thanks again for having me aboard, and Happy Hollidays to All!