Well I am done with all the woodworking I think. I have finished and fitted the cleats and the tilting mechanism. I have mortised out for the top wedge and made the wedge. I spend a lot of time on the legs as I could not figure out a way to use machinery to get what I wanted so I ended up shaping them by hand. Everything is sanded and ready to go I am just waiting on the glue to dry on a couple of the pieces.

This is how the legs turned out. The taper downward from 3/4” to 1/2” as they make the turn then they go back out to 3/4”. I am still trying to decide if I want to make pads for the bottom of the feet or not.

After I finished pre-drilling for the cleats I went ahead and started finishing the top. I have already laid two base coats and this is the first of the top coat but I thought maybe you would like to see what it is looking like.

The finish process is going to take awhile as that 8 hours between coats is just dead time and then it will take me a day to rub the finish out. The next post on this table should be the completed project.

Thanks for hanging with me on this one and for having a look.
