Quote Originally Posted by Andy Hoyt
You're an inspiration, John. And I'm honored to know you.

However - Assuming that your listing of past professional endeavors was essentially chronological, and factoring in your age, time in the nav, etc; I've estimated that your stint in men's clothing sales was coincident with the heyday of disco.

The resultant mental image thusly generated of a 67" tall twenty-something dude threaded out in three acre lapels, parachute bellbottoms, other assorted sartorial embellishments, and lotsa gold chains hanging off your neck is just too darn painful.

I need a lacquer.
Lemme try to ease your pain....It was a snooty clothing store. White shirt, tie, slacks. Although, as I recall, John Travolta, with his finger pointed in the air, was a big hit around that time. Have some lacquer anyway!! (hic)

I gotta find some pictures of me smiling or something!!! Big Mike is giving me a complex.