Dont have a cell but got this used lap top recent. Thought if im out I can check emails and sure enough someone I was going to meet Sat was late and the place we were meeting at was gone. If I had I been able to check my email at the next Starbucks I stopped at would have known he left late and could have emailed where i was. All worked out fine a grown up person with a cell looked him up and called him for me and fine.

Is it safe to use a lap top ion a Starbucks or other coffee shop place. this would just have my email no data as I keep it off on seperate drives. Its sort of an inbetween of not having a cell for the odd time I could use it. We had a car club thing I did screen saves of the journey there and that worked fine, i was not logged on just had zoomed in maps of streets up close at least when google was smart enough to put a name on instead of a number.

Is a password or? enough to be able to use a lap top in a coffee shop or is it something you just should not do. Im sure ive seen people for many years with lap tops not really focused on it.