Quote Originally Posted by STUART Robertson View Post
Surely the adjustable motor,if I understand that correctly,is a minor thing as long as the pulleys are reasonably well aligned,unless they have moved on the keyway, and the belts under suitable tension.
I can see that if significantly misaligned with excessive tension that may cause biased loading on the band wheel bearings/shaft.
Haven't seen or read the Australian forum.
My troubleshooting started off getting thrown in the deep end, so belt alignment isn't something to dismiss.
The moment I mixed a new belt of the same brand/&size (which might not have been spec length, but an old one which could stretch)
and trying some experimentation regarding assuming the lower part of the chassis would be a good starting place.
as I had been going through blades like they were takeaways up until then.

In the below case, the combination of both had disastrous outcome, having only had the machine on for a second,
it made mince meat out of my motor bearings, making that thin sheet metal flop about like it were a musical saw plate...
so if trying to wing it, bear that in mind and don't attempt the below silliness!!


And if someone is getting the impression this might be reasonable, then REMEMBER....that ring thingy goes on BEFORE you install the bearing!

That should be fair warning I think.
All the best