I've had a number of #80 Cabinet Scrapers. When I was in rust hunt mode I'd find them all the time. I was up to four at one time but divested three during the great tool purge a few years ago, keeping one clean Sweetheart era specimen. I never used them anyway.

So fast forward to present day...

I'm working on a charcuterie board for a silent auction a local charity is holding. I have a particularly nice slice of Black Walnut with the kind of swirly grain that really pops when treated with Butcher Block Oil and Wax. It was giving me major fits during the smoothing process. No matter how careful I was or how tight I set my chipbreaker I'd get micro tearout in multiple areas. Card scrapers worked OK to clean these areas up but my arthritic thumbs were complaining in a big way. I pulled the #80 off the wall for the first time in a couple years and was really pleased with how well it worked to clean up the whole surface. It's as simple as a hammer but really yields nice results. In retrospect I don't know why I've not used it more often.

It's kind of nice to stumble over something so obvious.