Good Morning Everyone,

I trust that everyone is doing as well as expected for a Monday. I hope that your weekend was a good one.

I'm finishing up the church cabinet job and I'll have that all done this week. I'm just finishing up the countertops now. All I have left to do is install the countertops and I'll be done!!!! Yea!!!!!

I roughed out a couple of Yellow Poplar bowls this weekend, turned a few that I need to finish the bottoms of so I can call them finished. I've started prepping materials for the computer desk that I'm making for a guy at work. Fortunately a local woodworker that I recently met, Rick de Rogue. Really great guy with a shop so organized that I stood in awe of his organizational skills reflected by his shop. Anyway, I was able to get some walnut lumber from him and this will go for the legs of this computer desk.

Saturday was removing the tiller of the lawn tractor and putting the mower deck on and starting to become grass cutting season. Got the new Stihl MS361 chainsaw out this weekend for the very first time to cut some wood. This baby will CUT some wood!!!! I'm very tickled with my chainsaw purchase.

Sunday was church and I played bass guitar for the worship service. The In-laws arrived late Sunday afternoon and it will be a "fun" time this week.

This week it's back to work, even though I did work for "work" a good bit this weekend due to issues on a system that I'm intimately familiar with.

So, what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.