Bottom drawer: I just MIGHT be getting the hang of these...this is right off the saw, Dry fit..
Resaw Thursday, right off the saw.JPG
Sides for this drawer are Pine...and they need a bit of jointing. so..
Resaw Thursday, jointing a couple edges.JPG
A block plane as a jointer? All depends on the size of the work...
Repeat for the other front corner...
Resaw Thursday, front corners done.JPG
Mill the back to fit...mill a rebate to house the back...
Resaw Thursday, Back corner details.JPG
This is the Top drawer, bottom drawer was the same at the back...

Plywood panel was a "Cut to fit" so of thing...Drawer front had also bowed a bit....clamps will take the bow out...with the help of a couple cauls..
Resaw Thursday, C clamps & cauls.JPG
Try to be gaposis free, is the reason for all the clamps...
Resaw Thursday, Bottom drawer glued up.JPG
Cauls of all sizes...some I had to use a c clamp on...

Let this sit a day...2 hours IN the shop, was getting a bit too much..
Resaw Thursday, It's a start.JPG
Got these parts milled...however, came time to do some joinery..
Resaw Thursday, Repair a corner...JPG
Cracked an edge...letting THIS sit until tomorrow as well...

Stay tuned..