To be clear I am in a single car attached garage, doing hand tool work indoors. My mitersaw, jointer, planer, circular saw, all outdoor tools - on the driveway pad with the overhead door closed.

This is the air cleaner that works for me on the 85/15 rule, that is I am likely getting 85% of possible results with 15% of effort required to get 100% results:


I don't typically mark up for carcass saw cuts with a sharpie, but the line does show in the picture. The idea is the big sawdust particles will fall directly into the trashcan. With the fan on the floor in the background drawing through the (MERV13) furnace filter, the finer sawdust particles should get onto the filter fairly quickly. It does work pretty well, measured air quality in the shop and attached apartment is typically excellent, 0-1 mcg/m3 of PM2.5. The really little stuff Alan Lightstone focuses on, PM0.3 I think, I typically see 200-400 particles per 0.1 liters, and the count will often get down to zero when I have been at my day job instead of playing in my shop for a couple days.

However, I do sometimes need to make a bigger mess than crosscutting a furring strip.