Not allowed to do too much at the moment....waiting on things to heal up. Left eyeball had Cataract Surgery....right eyeball will be in 2 weeks..Until then...I can do LIGHT weight take a few photos..

Eric Brown stopped by the other day, and dropped off a few items ( forgot to get a photo of the Square..oops)
replated, EC Stearns cutter.JPG
E.C. Stearns tenon cutter...and with a Brace Drill attached...
replated, with a Brace drill.JPG

3 lever caps and a cap iron...
replated, lever caps.JPG
The Sargent, made for Sears block plane ( 9-1/2 size) now has a proper cap iron..
replated, Sargent cap iron.JPG

The narrow one is a Millers Falls No. 8, Type 2....and will need a bit of Cardinal Red paint match the rest..
replated, 4.5, 4.5, #8 & #11.JPG
Like the No.11, Type 2 Junior Jack...the other 2 wide planes? Are both a 4-1/2c size....A Stanley No. 4-1/2c, Type 11...and a Sargent No. 410c, Type 3

Trying very hard NOT to rub the Left eye....