If you attend Handworks this week end, what did you come away thinking about it as an afterthought?

I really enjoyed the Amana Furniture Factory tour. Our guide was a woman who had worked there for about 35 years. She was very informative, did a great job explaining all the aspects of the factory's work flow. She was fun and I could tell that she really enjoyed working there. That says a lot about the quality of people working there from the top down.

I also was pleased to find out that they sold really nice looking hardwoods of various thickness, widths, and lengths on Fridays and Saturdays. And the prices were more than reasonable.

I also bought plans for a pole Lathe, and a #10 type 1 Miller Falls plane with frog for $20

I got to talk to the reprehensive at Lake Erie tool about my problem of the thread expanding and getting tight. I was told to send in both the nut and screw and he would recut the nut for nothing. I came away thinking a great company with a very good product.

I was also able to get on Blackburn's list. And chase down some floats.

All in all it was a very good show as far as I am concerned.