Hello, I am looking for some advice on building an exterior door. The door will be for a small post and beam cabin my son is building in Maine. My plan is to use quarter sawn white oak. The final thickness will be 2". I am planning a Shaker Style door. I have looked for 10/4" white oak. As mentioned the final thickness will be 2" after milling. I have not had a lot of luck locating 10/4 stock and when I have it is relatively expensive. My question is, would it be a reasonable approach to laminate 5/4" stock for the rails, stiles and center mullion. The stiles will be 4" to 5" in width with the bottom rail being 8 1/2" in width. If this is a reasonable approach any suggestion on an appropriate glue. The joinery will be mortise and tenon for the rails and stiles and the center mullion. I have made an interior door before but this will be a first exterior door for me. Any advice is welcome. Thanks