Dear Sawmill Creek,

I've been holding off from woodworking for years.
More recently, my wife gave me the okay to build her guitar.

I'm thinking of buying a Jet 16-32 or 18-36 sander (any thoguths on this?).
However, I'm not sure if I need a better dust collection system?

Currently, I have my Fein Vac with a bag and Hepa Filter attached to a steel dust deputy.
It works well for my Mirka Deros sander, Makita hand planer, tracksaw, and trim router.
However, it doesn't do anything for my Sawstop. For my planer, I just stick it outside the shop and sweep up the remnants.

With a sander, would the Fein be enough?
Alternatively, I was looking into a Dust Cobra...or just getting another dust collector and attaching it to a super dust deputy.
