I'm working up some large panels for a desk top. It's my first attempt at really making something this large. The panels are 30 x 48 inches (three glue joints) and 30 x 84 inches (two glue joints). I've glued my panels with what I thought was more than sufficient glue and, after removing the clamps today, I noticed that the bottom of the glue-up (where I couldn't see, of course...) didn't have nice squeeze out of glue along the full length, leaving some sections with what appear to be gaps.

I could just work a bit of glue into the gaps before I sand and finish the panels, but I figured I should ask to avoid issues. Most of the joint length seems okay in terms of glue reaching the full width of contact. Is there a better way to deal with this lack of full joint contact/glue, aside from cutting the joints and redoing them?