I wasn't following in your original post. But that is a freaking brilliant idea to just have the large face frame but not make boxes for the corners. I literally said out loud "what a good idea" and my wife was like "what?" LoL.

Thank you for taking the time to sketch that out. I didn't plan on really being able to store anything in the corners. Just wanted the doors for the access to the electrical outlets / not have to relocate those.

Thank again.

Quote Originally Posted by Cameron Wood View Post

- If there is window/corner trim that goes to the floor it's somewhat easier than a sheetrock or plaster corner.

- When standing from seated, you naturally try to get your feet underneath your COG, so the recessed toe kick helps that a bit. Try getting up from seated on a box or
such vs a chair.

- The base can be used a plenum for the forced air heat. Cut a register in the toe kick face, and caulk the part of the base where the air will flow to seal any gaps.

- Scribing the top is good- I'm suggesting being prepared to use trim if it doesn't come out perfect.

- Here's a sketch (not to scale). The idea is to not have angled boxes at all, just the base, face frame, and the top. These will be limited spaces and not very visible inside.

Cheers, Jay (Cameron)
