Greetings, I've lurked here for quite a while. My wife and I have about 100 acres of pasture and about half of it is/was covered with Eastern Red Cedar that has been growing for quite a few years. There are a lot of 4 to 6 inch diameter trees, but there are also a lot of 12 and 18 or more inch diameter at the base. I have cut trees over the past few years with a skid loader and a tree shear, but still have a lot of standing trees, and they tend to be the larger ones. Most people just pile them up and burn them to reclaim their pastures. My thought was that if there is any value there, perhaps I should be trying to make something out of all the trees rather than just burning them. However, I'm also not interested in spending dollars to make pennies. There are places where the trees were so thick they choked out all the pasture grass, and where I have cleared them, the grass is coming back. I don't have an accurate count on the trees, but I'd guess there's at least 4 to 5 thousand trees. Of course the number of larger trees is a lesser number. My thought is to prepare a number of logs and have someone local with a saw mill to mill them up into boards or planks and see how that goes, then perhaps I can make some educated decision on whether or not I should try to do much more with the trees. I could also have them ground into mulch, but not sure if that's really enough material to come up with a profit in the end. I could probably end up making fence posts out of quite a few of the trees if I want to put the labor into it. Any thoughts or suggestions you all may have will be much appreciated. Thanks.