I've been thinking again, because I was not satisfied with the unknowns and cautions given 5 years ago, about putting a servo in our biggest laser, just for the X axis - for faster turnaround in engravng.

I'd originally been told that both X & Y have to have the same type of motor - either steoppers, or servos, but not one of each.

I was reading somewhere that the newer Ruida controllers with the bigger display, (6445G) can also handle BOTH types of drives, at the same time - because the signals sent to the drives are PWM.
I'm just not sure how the controller figures different acceleration factors etc - but you sent the X & Y parameters in the old 6442, so the 6445 should be the same.

A friend was looking at buying a laser, and the actual SERVOS the maker is putting in, are proper servos with encoders, not the Easyservo, which is a closed-loop stepper. And the same servos for X and for Y.
The servo is a Leadshine BLM57130 (nema 23) , with matched drive Leadshine ACS606.

(I was reading the specs on the ACS606 drive and was fascinated it says they can drive both AC and DC servos equally well.)

Our big laser has a much smaller stepper for X as it only has to move the 2 heads and the chain, whereas Y has to move the gantry, and both tubes, and water etc.

And I realise there's a speed limit at which if exceeded, the dots will fail to land, but I still like the idea of tinkering and learning - and was wonidering if anyone had an opinion here on the 6445 controller, how well they are with servos, and the practicality of using a servo for X and the existing stepper for Y ??

Thanks for any thoughts. (and apparently the RD6442S can't do what I'm wanting)