I have been asked for clarification, so I will try. "Anchored" is my way of saying I was holding the board down with my left hand ahead of the dado. My right hand was holding the back of the board at a steep angle and I started to slowly lower the board with my right hand.the idea being to achieve the full depth of cut and the push the board forward until the indication on my fence matches my indication on my board.

Honestly, there was that little voice in my head saying something was wrong, but I did not heed it. I had done this so many times I could not identify a problem, so I went ahead with the cut. Also my mind was on a treasured Chocolate Lab I had to put down just yesterday. If I had paused and listen to that little voice I would have realized that I always had "anchored" with my right hand behind the dado and slowly brought down the front with my left hand. Keeping both hands in a relatively safe position, or at least safer.

I hope that helps.