Thank you to everyone for their input and watching the videos. Regarding the upper wheel and tires the first thing they did was sent another pair of tires which I installed which did not make a noticeable change. They also sent me an upper wheel with a tire installed on it which I felt made things a little worse so I put back on the original wheel.
the upper wheel simply bolts on to a fixed shaft with 1 bolt. Sadly I was setting up machine #2 last night and it wobbles just as much in my opinion where the tires are in the grooves of the wheels and when I change the RPMs at certain speeds the saw seems vibrate more than #2 so I will need to check the wheel balance which I did on #1. I am going to need to get it off the pallet and on concrete and compare to saw #1 I only have 1 plug end so I need to move it between machines. Since I had so many issues with the saw HD has really stepped up and at this point almost took off maybe 40% of the original price so I do not want to lose that I really want to make it work nicely. I have only cut one piece of wood with the saw just to make sure it a straight cut and it did a nice job. I have not tired with saw#2 yet
today I will make another video which will be of saw #2 it will not be as long as #1 hoping I can get some feedback on it regarding the wobble at the tires. I purchased this model of saw because it does wood and metal and has a variable speed inductive motor. I also do metal fabrication work. I do not need a top of the line machine as this will be for hobby use so I think it will be a good machine for my needs.