Last October, November, and December I did three big electrical projects at my house. The shelves at Home Depot, Lowes, and Home Depot were almost bare of PVC conduit and fittings for those three months. I drove probably 1,000 miles and spent many hours gathering up the numerous parts I needed for my three projects. Now, nearly a year later and the shelves at the three chains are pretty much full again. However, now I need some 1-1/4" liquid tight fittings and nobody has them. Local electrical supply houses are out of stock. I ordered some supposed to be in stock from Gordon Electric Supply and it turns out they won't arrive until October! They have some from another manufacturer, but they want $67 each with a minimum of five. The ones I ordered are $7.39 each which is the normal price.

This is so frustrating. Nothing I have wanted to buy this year is in stock. I wanted to buy a new riding mower in early June. The earliest delivery date was Oct 1st if they got enough engines. Oct 1st is just about the end of mowing season here in Minnesota.