Hello Friends,

I am in need of some advice - I am a new hobby woodworker, I don't make any money off it. I would like to buy a bandsaw with the intention of doing some very light resawing for small boxes and such as well as curved cuts on crafts. I have been dreaming of a new Jet 14SFX, but since this is just a hobby and I only do a very small amount of re-sawing that is probably more than I need and more than I want to spend. Also my shop is very small so space is at a premium and the machine must be on a mobile base. I have been watching the used market but I live in a rural area so unless I get really lucky any used machine is going to be a 6 hour drive round trip and $100 in gas, and I have been burned a couple times with driving to get something that is in poor shape. With that said, I had decided on a grizzly g0555lx (my brother lives in MO and could pick it up from the retail store for me, he is visiting next month to deliver so I would save the shipping). However just today a Craftsman 22401 popped up used at a woodworking store for $500 (According to the internet this is a rebranded Rikon 10-321?). That seems high for a used machine, but the picture looks to be near new condition and since its a reputable woodworking store they will have checked it out and made sure its working. It also comes with a mobile base already. So would you pick the Craftsman 22401 or stick with the plan of getting a g0555lx - or is there something else in this price range I should be considering?

Thanks for your help.