Ok guys I need some help on my dust collection setup. I have my 10hp dust collector setup in the back corner and plan to run a 90ft trunk line diagonally with 5 direct (straight down) drops and 6 branches. The branches will range from 10ft long to 20ft long. On the far end of the trunk line will be 4 shapers, a wide belt sander, edge sander, upcut saw and edge bander. Closest to the dust collector will be slider, 3x cabinet saws, planer, Ras, ect.

I absolutely can not change the layout of the machines and location of the dust collector. I have an odd shaped shop and the positions are all necessary. I know that it’s not good to have a wide belt and edge sander that far away, but this is my only option. I have tried reading up on the science and calculations involved for this type of thing, but I am dyslexic and have a learning disability which has caused me to struggle to figure this out.

I drew up my layout but I am not sure if it will allow me to post. If not, I will try to sign up for a membership today.

My questions are otherwise;
1. I plan to have a 12” trunk line and 12/12/6 drops with 12/12/8 branches. Does this sound reasonable?
2. Should I reduce the trunk line down to say 8” at the last 20ft of it to increase velocity?
3. Would it be better to have the branches all be 12” instead of 8”?