Hello All!
I am woodworker who has found that laser etching brings in a good bit of business. I bought a 5.5watt diode laser on a lark and it paid for itself with the first month (Genmitsu LE-5040). Now I am looking to up my game and transition to a CO2 laser that will increase my productivity. I have narrowed my search to 2 companies based on budget and needs. Here are my needs:

  1. Under $5000 (new business, still growing)
  2. Uses Lightburn (love the software, could learn Coral, just don't have the time)
  3. Minimum of 20" x 14" bed (I etch a lot of handmade serving board)
  4. Need a pass-through for larger items
  5. Minimum of 40watt (looking for much faster burn times)

I don't want to wade through the Chinese / EBay jungle. With all the horror stories out there, I want to spend the little bit extra and purchase something with lifetime support from a reputable company (even if they are still Chinese lasers).
With all that said, I have landed on either Boss Laser or Thunder Laser. Both companies come with a large following that speak highly of their products and services. Both companies offer a lifetime warranty and seem to really stand by their products.
For the Boss, I am looking at the Boss LS-1416 w/ the upgraded table size (14"x20").
For the Thunder, I am looking at the Mini-60.
On the stare and compare, Thunder has a slightly larger working area (24"x16"), but is a 40watt laser and no moving Z table. The Boss comes with a 50watt laser and the adjustable Z table, but the slightly smaller working space. But, other than those differences, they seem to run fairly parallel.
I would love some real world user's advice. As a fledgling company, this is a large expense and I really want to get this one right. Also, if there is an even better setup that hits the mark, I would love to hear it!
Thank you all in advance for your time