Hi all

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I decided to finally take on a project I've been wanting to tackle ever since I saw some cool little turned tea cups in Japan on my honeymoon last year. It's a pretty simple little thing, but I'm having a hard time cleaning up the inside bottom of the cup.

I'm using a 1" forstner bit on a jacob's chuck to bore out about 2 1/2", then I've found my spindle/detail gouge to be most effective at removing material from the sides. Once I reach the bottom it gets a little hectic. I've found a cut coming from the bottom then almost prying up to be the most consistent angle of approach, but it's A LOT of work. It's less of a cut than a slow scrape.

Unfortunately I have limited tools. I'm working with a spindle roughing gouge, detail gouge, and bowl gouge. It seems a round nose scraper would be nice here but it's just not on my list of owned tools yet...

Things I'm considering:
Regrinding my bowl gouge to a have more swept back wings and a more exposed tip to get in there.
Buying a round nose scraper, although there are no funds for this ATM.

I know with enough persistence I'll get it, but I'd love to make this a cleaner process. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking a look.

I don't have a photo of the exact area I'm having issues, but I will attach a couple photos of my first attempt. Unfortunately I didn't measure twice before parting....