My brother has a vintage pontoon that he is partially refurbishing. The transom that the motor was attached to has rotted out in several places. He called and I agreed to fashion a new transom to the dimensions he gave me. The old transom was [2] pieces of 3/4" plywood sandwiching a piece of 1/4" plywood with the outside grain of the thicker plywood pieces at a right angle to each other. The transom is above water line but of course does get wet. My solution seeing I already had some nice AD close grained QS white oak was to edge glue two pieces of the QS white oak and plane it to the 1.75" final thickness. I used dominoes and JB weld 2 part epoxy that says it can be used for marine purposes along with other applications. Now that it is ready for a finish, I have mulled over a few options. Epifanes spar was one I've seen folks here use but now I'm wondering if it would be crazy to use the Flex Seal [in clear] that we see in the ubiquitous TV ads? It's a fairly small piece, 24" X 10.25" X1.75" Anyone tried this? Anyone have suggestions? Thanks in advance for any input.