In all my years of woodworking, manufacturing and related jobs I have never work with any type of CNC except when I was in IT and I work on the computers that talk to the CNC. Well I wanted to get into working with a router cnc and I got me one of them chinese 3040T 4 axis for about $450 and it came with what I understand Mach4 controller software. I bought some software to make some type of CAD software to file that the CNC machine can work with and since it has some stuff already preloaded I can work with plus it only cost me $24.95. I got my laptop talking to the CNC and also got a basic shape like a polygon turn into g-code for the mach4 software to see and well its moving the x,y and z axis but not actually routing anything on the piece of plywood just running about 1/2" above the board . But I do believe I got the issue figured out and the issue is that I am setting the zero point before loaded the g-code to the mach4 software and from the youtube videos and blogs I suppose to set the zero after I loaded the g-code of the polygon I want to cut.

I would like to find something perferably in a book form I can buy so I am able reference why I am doing CNC stuff .