OK So long time Mac user, and illustrator user.

I have a MacBook Pro. It runs parallels. Job Control is in Parallels, I got it to speak with the laser, update the firmware etc.

I do not want to install illustrator on parallels, I have it on my MBP, and would love to keep it that way.

I cannot figure out how to import a file, into Job Control, from my MacBook illustrator. the file types JC looks for are "Plate files" and I cannot seem to just open up my lovely work I've done on the program I've used for 20 years...

Every thing I read is "Send the file from your graphics software to the laser via the print button in your graphics program..." Problem is I do not have a windows copy of illustrator, and would like to still work, and create in my MacBook Pro illustrator as I have done for years.... And because JC is actually not even onnn my MacBook Pro, I cant "Print" from illustrator.

Help? I don't know if its possible to save a file to my MacBook, and open it in JC on my "windows" parallel computer, where JC is.

What files formats can you import into JC?

Thanks in advance!