So I've been working with an interior designer on this table. She wants a "4 piece" chevron top. Obviously I'll be veneering it, however it'll be my first time using a vacuum bag on a large project like this.

The tabletop measures 50" x 55" so it's a little too large to manage as one piece, and also a little too complicated I think to try as a single glue-up. My plan is to veneer each of the 4 "triangle" sections of the chevron separately to MDF, cut them to fit, fine-tune the joints, and then glue them together as a single tabletop, and most likely veneer that to a another solid piece of MDF for strength.

I have a local source for 1" MDF. I'm thinking it might be a little better to use that as it'll give me more surface area for a glue joint when assembling the 4 sections.

So breaking the process up might be a little more work, but it sounds safer in my head. Am I on the right track or am I missing something? Anybody ever have to do this?
