Yeah I know what you mean, its one of the reasons I'm still working for myself. Pretty sure I could make more money just showing up at a shop and doing an 8 hour day. But I like the variety of work I get to do. I also like the challenge of figuring out how to do the unusual projects.

As for the flooring.... yep this is the second batch and there will likely be more. This is one of the only companies in the country that does end grain flooring. So whether your in the Museum of Science in Boston, or some hotel lobby in Houston, if you look down and see end grain flooring it's most likely from them. They have a ton of choices, but this happens to be one that is engineered strips vs individual blocks, and only made in a certain sizes. Some designers prefer it another way.... basically think of it as the difference between using a 7" square tile vs 3" x 7" subway tiles. The factory makes what they make and are not interested in doing anything else..... hence they need someone to step in and 're-manufacture' the product. So in the end, they make money, I make money, and it keeps the designers happy!