I've done numerous pieces following Russ Fairfield's video instructions from his video Coloring With Wax and have had great results. Granted, all of my experience has been with oak. Recently did a couple small bowls from the same maple log piece, 1 traditional & 1 NE. Wanted to create a set call brother & sister to honor our first grandson in blue and one for his sister in pink or red. Used Kiwi cordovan and was pleased with the pinkish color it produced. Couldn't find a blue color from Kiwi so I tried this Angelus navy blue but it just didn't take at all. 99+% of it came back off with the teak oil finish. Just wondering, is there that much difference in shoe polish formulation? Same wood, same sanding, same lacquer, same stiff brush ruff up, same polish & drying time...….anyone have an idea what went wrong? If I decide to pursue this, I'm thinking of maybe dying some liming wax blue. If I do that do I need to sand back to bare wood again? I think so but any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
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