Hello. I'm new to this forum as well as milling my own lumber. I've been an avid woodworker for awhile, and still have much to learn and experience, and recently made to decision to start milling my own lumber. I heat with wood, live in the wooded area and am surrounded by State Forest. Dealing with wood is nothing new.

Running a sawmill, well now I'm defiantly a newbie.

I bought a Wood-Mizer LT 15 Start. About as manual a mill as there is. But I could afford it and that's the end of that discussion. I had a stack of logs ready: Red Oak, Ash, and some almost curly Ambrose Maple.

I started noticing some dark blue to black stains on my lumber. See: https://photos.app.goo.gl/o7eDj5MJBQXXutmE7

It was leftover from the saw dust (mush) after a cut. I think I had too much water coming out on the blade. The stains correspond to the dust patterns between boards. I have turned the water down and do see less of this now. It looks to be only surface deep and on pass with the planer it'll be gone.

Is that something experienced sawer are familiar with and if so is my water set too high?

Thanks in advance.