This subject has been covered in various wood forums and Youtube videos but I can’t seem to find consistent recommendations for a small and inexpensive dehumidification/sterilization kiln equipment for a hobbyist. Insight from anyone who has built such a system would be most welcome. I have a lot of air dried lumber and would like to further dry a few hundred bf at a time as needed for projects as well as sterilize as I have a powder post beetle problem with some of the wood.

My thought was to build a 4’x4’x10’ box (in my garage) from 2"- 4" rigid foam insulation that could be disassembled when not needed. I intend to include a home dehumidifier and fans for water removal. My question has to do with the best, and safest heat source to elevate temperatures to the necessary 130F to kill powder post beetles.

The many threads I have read suggest using heat lamps as a heat source as conventional space heaters have cut off switches at 100F or so. Others suggest a sauna heater, which is intriguing. A 3KW sauna heater capable of reaching temperatures well in excess of 130F can be had for about $100 on Ebay. In both cases, controlling temperature, as well as preventing ignition of the wood or foam, is important.

Anyone out there built such a kiln? If so, what type of heater did you use and what safety precautions did you take? Obviously, I don’t want to burn down my shop or house in the process so any insight would be appreciated. Thanks, bob